This collection is part and beginning of the 3rd chapter of ‚The Diaries of Artificial Painter‘. This remix collection is a tribute and thanks to 0-0-0-9.tez for the influence on AP Original:
‚The mind manipulates human bodies to conform.‘
This collection is part and beginning of the 3rd chapter of ‚The Diaries of Artificial Painter‘. On June 11, 2022, a person who had no exposure to AI-generated imagery at that time purchased „Dualism 9“ and „Dualism 16“ from the ‚Metaphysical Duality‘ collection of 0-0-0-9.tez. He was impressed and fascinated by these works, but couldn‘t quite place them, because something was different about them. Curiosity was awakened. The human began to cooperate with the machine. And ‚Metaphysical Duality‘ became the beginning of a new journey.